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On the 21st day of 21 days of prayer and fasting for the Body of Christ at the beginning of
2021, the message below came forth during worship. I am led to re-post here as I believe
strongly that this is another timeless word as God is preparing His Body to move forward in this
season. I encourage you to not just read this word, but partner/align with this word. Contend in
prayer for it to come to pass in your life and in the life of your loved ones. Personalize it, declare
it, believe it, receive it and live in Jesus’ name. May this be a word in season for you.

Received on 23 Jan 21:
Arise! Arise and shine! Arise in Power and authority! Arise to worship in spirit and in truth! Arise
to praise! Arise to declare! Arise and shine! For My Glory… oh My Glory, the mantle of My glory
has been released. Will you receive it? Receive My mantle of Glory. Receive the mantle of My
Power. Receive that which has already been bought and paid for. Received all that I released
within you that it may flow to the low places. That it may flow to those that I desire to lift up in
this hour. You are My shield and My exceedingly great reward in this season where the Light is
needed. Darkness is comfortable until the Light comes forth to disrupt the comfort zone and
shake darkness out of its place, dispelling it. Like My Spirit brooding over the surface of the
deep, so He is brooding in this season awaiting the Light of the Word to speak. Speak forth!
Speak forth! Speak forth and watch the darkness upon those who sit in the darkness of their
minds and hearts by the spirit of darkness of this age, receive everlasting light. Those I have set
apart to be called out of this deep darkness and into My Light. You have this treasure in earthen
vessels, you are the vessel from which the excellence of My Power must be known to the
principalities and powers. Do not be dismayed, do not be afraid, for He, I Am, Who is within you
is greater than he who is in this world. Let go of the former things and receive the new that I
have stirred up in this hour. This is the hour of the rising, this is the hour of My calling. This is
the hour of the springing forth. This is the hour of reaping the harvest. I send you forth as
laborers in this hour. I send you forth as you receive the mantle of My glory. Do not marvel at
that which I am doing in this season. I am doing a new thing, by a new way, a new method, a
new strategy. Have you ever wondered why My servant Elijah told Ahab to run before he moved
from the mountain that I called him to? Have you pondered that My child? Why would he tell
Ahab to run ahead of him. Because it was for the display of My Power and Might when I girded
his loins and caused him to run ahead of the chariots. Thus, My strategy may not appear logical.
Remember My ways are not your ways, nor My thoughts, My thoughts, your thoughts. They are
higher. It is the same way I will gird up My Ekklesia with supernatural strength, speed, ability,
strategy and Power and she will do great and mighty exploits and many will marvel. Remember,
I do not look at things the way men do. I am the God of all flesh and I cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Me and are the called according to My purpose.
Excellent things. I declare excellent things through My chosen vessels. This is the hour of your
rising and the hour of My glory. Receive that which I am doing in this season. Partner with My
Spirit and My Power and you will be amazed at that which I am birthing through My chosen

ones in this hour. Open the gates, that I, the King of Glory may enter in to perform a mighty
work through you.

Prayer: Dear Abba, may this Word become flesh in the lives of those you are lifting in this
season. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Antoinette McAllister-Blyden



Antoinette McAllister-Blyden is a wife and a mother of three children. She is passionate about empowering people; whether in the professional world as a Speech and Language Pathologist, where she works with families with children diagnosed with developmental delays or as a servant in the kingdom of God. She is originally from Guyana, South American and moved to the United States at the age of seventeen. She graduated with her Bachelor’s of Science in Biology from Medgar Evers College.

She later earned her Master’s of Science degree in Speech and Language Pathology from New York Medical College. Antoinette is a writer whose work in the kingdom includes teaching, overseeing and outreach. God birthed the vision of Glorious Rising, Inc. out of a dual burden for the Body of Christ and the people they are called to serve.

The Word of God (logos and rhema) is living, relevant and powerful in every season of our lives. The Word in All Season blog is a place where you can find prophetic messages from God to stir you, lift you, encourage, direct, edify and comfort you in this season. Have a prophetic word to share? Leave us a comment below and share your thoughts!