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While PUSHing in prayer for the youths with fellow  intercessors, God showed in a vision, an older man standing on a track field with a baton in his hand. From behind a younger person came and took the baton from his hand. I started to question what I saw, thinking “that’s not right.” I pointed to the account of Elijah and Elisha in the Bible and the fact that Elisha had to wait until he saw Elijah taken up before he received what Elijah carried. At this point, God reminded me of a picture I saw a few days ago of a red mantle (cloak) floating. He said that His mantle of glory has been released and is accessible and available to those who will advance His kingdom and glory in the earth.  Going back to the vision to dig deeper about what was  shown, He highlighted a few things about the man in the vision:

  1. The man was standing on the sidelines of the track looking out towards it.
  2. He was not in a lane; in other words not in the race.
  3. He was not moving forward.
  4. He had the baton in his right hand; held down at his side.
  5. Using what I knew about relays from my early college years (no, I wasn’t any good), the man was not in the position from which to make a hand-off of the baton.
  6. He was standing by himself; no protege was in sight like with Elijah and Elisha.

In leaning into the vision, God reminded me of a dream I had a few years ago of a leader sitting in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth. They turned, looked at me in excitement and with a sense of pride and said “See, I’m moving.”  There was a sense that God was putting these together to highlight two things:

  1. There are some in this season; not in the race of this season to pass the baton to those He’s wanting to prepare for the next season. 
  2. There are some in this season who sadly mistake movement/activity with progress and advancing His kingdom. 

A few weeks later, while transitioning out of prayer, I heard these words “Let’s get our snipers off the ground.” In  leaning in, there was a strong sense that God was speaking about the youths because of some things I was speaking to Him about in which I used the word “sniper” to refer to the youths. God reminded me of another  vision a few months back of arrows hitting a target, but then bouncing off the target. It made no impact to be deemed effective. He said of that vision, speaking of some in the Body of Christ, “they are ineffective in the spiritual realm; no impact, no ability to pierce the darkness.”

In digging deeper in relation to the words “Let’s get our snipers off the ground,” I  pictured an expert  sharp shooter, concealed and at a high vantage point, lying face down, with weapon drawn and aiming at a target. It was impressed that God was speaking about the vantage point in the spiritual realm; seated in high places with Jesus. It is from that vantage point, we can be effective in the kingdom of God. He was speaking of heightened and sharpened spiritual senses to hear, see and discern in the spiritual realm. God is saying, it is time to tap into what He wants to do in and through the next generation in this season. Over the course of a few days, I sat to listen, ready to write. 

 “There is a generation yet to arise. They have been waiting in anticipation of the baton, like relay runners waiting at the hand-off point of exchange. They have been waiting, watching in anticipation of the hand-off. They have become discouraged in waiting. But it’s time to tap into what I am doing in this season. They are snipers, I tell you; sharpshooters.This is not only in their ability to see and shoot with great accuracy, but also their ability to hear. It is time for them to be awakened and activated. Activate them, activate them, activate them! They are the ones when activated will take possession of My mantle of glory. Look at them again, look again. Do you see what I see? I see a generation who not only know how to be innovative, but also know how to tap into the innovations of your day. Look again, I see a generation not according to their physical appearance, but according to their heart. There is a zeal in their hearts, yet to be tapped into. So I say, activate them. They will pronounce My judgment to the Eli’s of your day. They will stand before the Goliaths of your day in demonstration of their faith in Me. They are the infiltrators from within, like Esther; with favor and boldness and access to the officials of your day. Look again, don’t despise their outward appearance; their “small” stature. I have placed solutions within them; solutions and strategies that will impact change in their day. They will run with my vision for their day and will occupy in their day.” Here God showed me a youth, towering so huge. The figure had one foot in one territory and the other foot in another. He said that this was how mighty their impact will be.

As a mother and a professional passionate about children and working with them, I implore you to look again. Look again at our children, your nieces, nephews, little cousins and those young people in your circles. Let’s bombard heaven on their behalf and seek God’s wisdom in training them; mentoring them, to be all that God is raising them up to be in this season. 

Prayer: Dear God, raise up those who are ready, willing and able to align with getting the sharpshooters and expert marksman in the spiritual realm, off the ground. In Jesus’ name,  amen.

Antoinette McAllister-Blyden



Antoinette McAllister-Blyden is a wife and a mother of three children. She is passionate about empowering people; whether in the professional world as a Speech and Language Pathologist, where she works with families with children diagnosed with developmental delays or as a servant in the kingdom of God. She is originally from Guyana, South American and moved to the United States at the age of seventeen. She graduated with her Bachelor’s of Science in Biology from Medgar Evers College.

She later earned her Master’s of Science degree in Speech and Language Pathology from New York Medical College. Antoinette is a writer whose work in the kingdom includes teaching, overseeing and outreach. God birthed the vision of Glorious Rising, Inc. out of a dual burden for the Body of Christ and the people they are called to serve.

The Word of God (logos and rhema) is living, relevant and powerful in every season of our lives. The Word in All Season blog is a place where you can find prophetic messages from God to stir you, lift you, encourage, direct, edify and comfort you in this season. Have a prophetic word to share? Leave us a comment below and share your thoughts!