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After my last blog “Time to Soar”, Holy Spirit reminded me of a word I received on spiritual vision. It was towards the end of 2020 as I sought God for insight for 2021. I heard the words “Eagle’s eyes/vision. Must switch” while in my quiet time. I pondered the words and started to lean in closer, curious to hear what Abba meant. Then the word below came forth. Some time later I met with one of my battle buddies to pray into this word. We were led to research the eagle’s vision. We found out some interesting things, but below are three things that were magnified: 

  1. When it comes to visual acuity, which is the ability to see things without blur, an eagle’s visual acuity is 20/4 or 20/5 compared to a human’s 20/20. This allows the eagle to see a tiny prey even when they are hundreds of feet up in the air.
  2. Eagles have excellent peripheral vision at 340 field of vision, compared to humans’ 180.
  3. Eagles have the ability to focus and switch from objects far or near because they not only have lenses that change their shape   to accommodate the changing distance, but even their cornea has the ability to change shape to better focus on near and far objects.

So we see that there are three things that stand out about the vision of eagles – they have excellent ability to see things clearly, also an amazing ability to not just see things ahead of them but also to the sides and toward the back and lastly, their ability to adjust their vision so as to focus on things both near and far.

As the army arising, we have to develop this ability to see things clearly. That means not just focusing on the natural or just on the spiritual, but we must be able to visually translate what we see in the natural into the spiritual AND vice versa. We have to be able to see not just what is in front of us, but also have a spiritual awareness all around us. I am reminded of Jacob whose spiritual senses did not discern that the place he chose to spend the night was a portal in the spiritual realm. When he awoke from his dream he said, “Surely, the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it. How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!” (Genesis 28:16, 17) Far be it from us that we lack spiritual acuity to not only discern the presence of the Lord, but also evil. Far be it from us that we are not able to adjust our spiritual lens to see things that are happening present day and the possible effects someday later. The converse is also true, that when we are given a vision for the future that we know how to adjust our spiritual lens to see and know what we must do today to prepare.

I am reminded of a vision I had a little while back. In this vision, there were men sitting around the table in what was impressed to be a board meeting. At the head of the table was a man likened to the CEO. He had a presence about him and I knew that he was in charge. The men seated to the left and right of him were a mixture; some with blindfolds on and others with no eyes. The ones with no eyes had skin covering where their eyes should be. This group was really magnified to me and in the vision I asked the “CEO” why they had no eyes. His response was “Because I need them to see in the spiritual realm.” God, the CEO, needs us to see into the spiritual realm as we arise in this season. Additionally, like with Joseph in the Bible who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and was able to advise him what to do, the CEOs of this world are in need of guidance and direction from those who can see into the spiritual realm for divine solutions from the throne room of heaven.

One of the key things we have to remember as believers is our vantage point in the spiritual realm. The Bible tells us that we are seated in heavenly places with Christ. (Ephesians 2:6) It is from this position that we have a wider scope to see what God wants to reveal so as to pierce the kingdom of darkness.

As 2021 comes to a close, it is time for a vision check. I believe that God desires to do spiritual surgery on our spiritual eyes for a seer anointing. May the word below be a word in season for you.

Expand your capacity to see into the spiritual realm. That is the eagle’s view. Switch to see into realms of glory. Like I told My servant, as far as your eyes can see that is not only how many descendants you will have, but also the land you will possess. How far can you see? How far can you see? How far can you see? It takes partnership, it takes partnership and trust to peel back layers of the blinders that you may see into the deep realms of My glory! Don’t limit Me because you have not been diligent to expand the capacity of your vision. Take the limits off Me as you take the limits off your eyes. Don’t partner with what you only see in the natural…you shall never rise. For I say to you, you shall never rise to heights of My glory if you remain restricted by the blinders. Remove the blinders. Remove the blinders and then launch into the deep realms, launch into the high heights. Those who are short-sighted, even to blindness can never enter the realms of abundant life.

I received these two scriptures with the word: 2 Peter 1:1-11 and Isaiah 1:19. I encourage you to read them and allow God to speak to your heart.
Prayer: Dear Lord, show me how to partner with Holy Spirit to see clearly into spiritual realms with enough scope, depth, precision and divine focus in this season for Your glory. In Jesus name, amen!

Image: Wildrevealtion.com

Antoinette McAllister-Blyden



Antoinette McAllister-Blyden is a wife and a mother of three children. She is passionate about empowering people; whether in the professional world as a Speech and Language Pathologist, where she works with families with children diagnosed with developmental delays or as a servant in the kingdom of God. She is originally from Guyana, South American and moved to the United States at the age of seventeen. She graduated with her Bachelor’s of Science in Biology from Medgar Evers College.

She later earned her Master’s of Science degree in Speech and Language Pathology from New York Medical College. Antoinette is a writer whose work in the kingdom includes teaching, overseeing and outreach. God birthed the vision of Glorious Rising, Inc. out of a dual burden for the Body of Christ and the people they are called to serve.

The Word of God (logos and rhema) is living, relevant and powerful in every season of our lives. The Word in All Season blog is a place where you can find prophetic messages from God to stir you, lift you, encourage, direct, edify and comfort you in this season. Have a prophetic word to share? Leave us a comment below and share your thoughts!