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He “who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them.” (1 Corinthians 14:3) One prophetic word in season that will strengthen or encourage you can make a tremendous difference in your life. S.O.A.R. – S-Supernaturally, O-Overtake, A-Arise to R-Reign ministry is about sharing personal prophetic word to people to lift and encourage them. It is the vision from God for this arm of Glorious Rising that people will Supernaturally Overtake and Arise to Reign based on a word of confirmation and direction. This is based on 1 Samuel 30:8 where David, during a very low point in his reign as king, received a word from the Lord to pursue and overtake because he was going to recover all. Beyond receiving prophetic ministry, Glorious Rising hopes to pray with participants and be able to connect them with practical resources they may need to assist them in moving forward in their God-given assignment and purpose with clarity.



#GO was birthed in the Women of Power prayer group, with members going out to serve those in the local communities to hot home-cooked meals. It recently evolved to #Go & Occupy and is the sending arm and outreach ministry of Glorious Rising that will serve people out locally, nationally and eventually, internationally. It is focused on living out the Great Commission; Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19, 20 to go into the world and make disciples, while following the blueprint Jesus left of service. It will impact the lives of displaced and disenfranchised people in need of being lifted. #GO will meet the immediate needs (e.g. food, clothing), while empowering them to rise to their fullest potential.



The Sons of Korah begin their song for the music director in Psalm 45:1 with the words, “My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.” Writer’s Praise and Worship” is a song writing ministry adding melody to pleasing themes and recording them to release heaven’s sound across the earth. It is spearheaded by Fraites Blyden (a.k.a Jephthah Alceè). It is set up to come alongside ministers of music or Gospel recording artists to provide them with songs to help them reach hearts for the kingdom of God.  In addition to them recording and releasing the song, they will be part of the WPW community and will be featured on the WPW album compilation.

S.N.I.P.E.R. Academy


With the rapid advancement of technology, there has been a bombardment of notifications of the latest social media updates. So many voices are vying for the attention of our youths, that the still, small voice of God is being drowned out. Supernatural Network with Insight to Pierce the Enemy’s Regiment (Camp)-SNIPER is a 4-week activation session for Christian youths ages 7-21 to help sharpen their ability to keenly discern the voice of God and to perceive revelation and insights from Him. Activating youths through SNIPER training is one way to prepare this generation to have insight so as to arise and advance the kingdom in the days ahead. This is tapping into what is already done in heaven according to Joel’s prophecy Joel 2:28; “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.”

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ARISE: Lift Up a Standard Online Event

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